Everything DiSC®

Build better relationships.

People respond to situations in different ways. DiSC is a tool that helps you understand how people think, feel and act. It helps you understand yourself AND other people too. Participants learn to recognize and appreciate the styles of the people they work with. The result is more effective and productive working relationships.

DiSC® is the universal language of observable behavior. Think of it as an operator’s manual for people.

It is based on a four-factor behavioral model developed in 1928 by Dr. William Moulton Marston, whose work focused on directly observable and measurable psychological phenomena.

Each letter represents a behavioral factor.
D (Dominance) - shows itself in direct, decisive behavior.
I (Influence) - shows itself in optimistic, outgoing behavior.
S (Steadiness) - shows itself in sympathetic, cooperative behavior.
C (Compliance) - shows itself in concerned, correct behavior.

Are you ready to learn more about yourself and others?

During my career I have had the opportunity to work with several coaches. I can say without hesitation that Jeanne is among the best in the field. She is a consummate professional who possesses a thorough understanding of the interrelationships of issues and personalities that arise in our daily environment. Jeanne has “real world” experience upon which she has developed coaching and mentoring skills. She carefully uses her skills and experience and strategically uses other tools such as the DiSC assessment and personal interviews to assess the individual to help “you” develop plans and solutions that are realistic and effective. After working with Jeanne I have realized notable improvement in my ability to assess individuals and teams to improve communication and team building. Jeanne will continue to be my coach and mentor however, after working with Jeanne for a few months I am quite comfortable and honored to say that we have become colleagues.

- Joe Middleton, MPA, CFM, Healthcare Facilities Consultant